Reiki & ARCHE Energy Healing

  1. Do you often feel overwhelmed by emotions you can’t explain?

  2. Do you find it difficult to trust others, even those close to you?

  3. Do you struggle with feelings of guilt or shame, even when they don’t seem rational?

  4. Do you often feel emotionally numb or shut down?

  5. Do you find yourself stuck in negative thought patterns that you can't seem to shake?

  6. Have you gone through a significant life event that leaves you feeling trapped or unable to move forward?

  7. Do you feel an overwhelming sense of fear at times?

  8. Do you have difficulty expressing your needs or setting boundaries with others?

  9. Do you experience a sense of helplessness or hopelessness about your future?

  10. Do you find it hard to believe you deserve peace, happiness, or love?

You are not alone. We can help!

Our bodies are energetic in nature.

Our bones resonate at lower frequencies while our blood, thoughts etc. vibrate at higher frequencies. This magnetic pulse is known as a bio magnetic field.

Life presents us with challenges, and we all encounter stress in different forms. When we don't take the time to process and address our experiences, the unresolved energy can take a toll on both our physical, mental and emotional well-being, creating imbalances.

These energy blockages often arise from a variety of sources — suppressed emotions, fears, limiting beliefs, recurring thought patterns, judgments, and past traumas that build up over time.

In our energy healing sessions, we use a variety of techniques, including kinesiology, Reiki, and the ARCHE method to address the root causes of your challenges.

  1. We determine how, where, and in what ways stress is manifesting in your life.

  2. Through muscle testing, we tap in the subconscious to identify the root causes, when they originated and where they are stored in the physical and energetic bodies.

  3. We also identify associated emotions, beliefs, judgments, patterns, fears, and blockages that resulted from the root causes.

  4. Our unique clearing method helps your body feel safe, allowing it to release these stored causes and imbalances.

  5. We reprogram new, empowering patterns and beliefs that support your highest well-being.

After a treatment, you may feel the release of energy in different ways.

Be gentle with yourself as the treatment continues to work its magic.

Hydrate and take some time to for self care - whatever that looks like for you!

Learn more about Chakras and the benefits of when they are aligned HERE

Treatments can be done in person or via distance.

Luxury Service, Yoga, & Wellness Training LLC

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Phone: +1 910 269 8710